Monday, March 13, 2006

2 Sides - 1 Lie, 1 Truth?

Why? Things that happened, was it the truth that was told? Or was it because the other party would tend to elaborate and add in juicy slices to make it more dramatic? It's saddening and disappointing to know that the time spent on consoling and giving encouragement is given to the someone who spoke the 'truth'.

The pieces fit in and the 'truth' that you mentioned disappeared. Bringing along was feelings of disgust and disappointment.

Was there some truth in it? Maybe there is. But it sounded like the sky had fallen on you and everyone had to cramp in to your little comfort area to make you feel welcome and loved. Could it be that it's your fault? Think about it. Maybe it is.

Anyway, the case is closed, I supposed. Best of luck to whoever is reading this. Just a little moral learning at the end of my blog, best to listen to both sides of the story first before giving anyone any help at all.


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