Monday, November 20, 2006


Ah~ Finally it's here. I'm experiencing exams stress... 3 Bloody Geo Papers. Wohoo! I can feel the bile in my throat now. GGrrr~~ When will this be over? (>O<)

I need a Superhero to come flying through my windows to rescue me now. U hear that?!?!

(TOT) Freeze me!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I Love Singapura!

Check this out ~~~ Click Here

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Only Best Friends Do This~~

To Xingjuan, Can't wait for my hols to start! ! Then I'll spend time at home reading all the mails. =P Thanks to 'You Know Who' who has been sending Emails to Me! I <3>O<)'

Note to self, Time to go back to study (TOT)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Scene: In the Bank
Scenario: Adeline was going to the bank for a card replacement. Her ATM card was 12 years old and beyond usage anymore. She saw the bank counter lady cutting her old ATM into 2 pieces.

Adeline: (Thoughts) That goes my 12 year relationship with my old, greyish ATM Card. I wonder if I can request it back and keep it? Hmm...
Adeline: Hi, was wondering whether I can take the old ATM card back? (*flashes a innocent smile)
Bank Lady: I'm afraid not. I'll have to send it for DESTRUCTION.
Adeline: (Thoughts) Wow... Destruction.. Using what type of bomb???! LOL

Maybe the correct way of saying would be: I'm afraid not. The old ATM card will be disposed of by our company.

Anyways, I was grinning on my way out. Wondering...
Wow.. How many customers had she used the word on ? (>O<)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


A Heart so Pure
A Love so True
Could it be
The Test of Time?

Feelings gone
Routine's on
Could it be
Everlasting Love?

The Heart is Saddened
Temptation Arises
Could it be
the Breaking Point?

Think of Her
Think of Us
Could it be
the Dreams of Past?

Feel the Love
Feel the Memories
Could it be
the Shadows of Doubt?

This I Pray
Stop the Talk
Follow your heart and
Do the Walk

Could it Be
Could it Be
Could You Be
The Chosen One?
