Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Scene: In the Bank
Scenario: Adeline was going to the bank for a card replacement. Her ATM card was 12 years old and beyond usage anymore. She saw the bank counter lady cutting her old ATM into 2 pieces.

Adeline: (Thoughts) That goes my 12 year relationship with my old, greyish ATM Card. I wonder if I can request it back and keep it? Hmm...
Adeline: Hi, was wondering whether I can take the old ATM card back? (*flashes a innocent smile)
Bank Lady: I'm afraid not. I'll have to send it for DESTRUCTION.
Adeline: (Thoughts) Wow... Destruction.. Using what type of bomb???! LOL

Maybe the correct way of saying would be: I'm afraid not. The old ATM card will be disposed of by our company.

Anyways, I was grinning on my way out. Wondering...
Wow.. How many customers had she used the word on ? (>O<)

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