Cute Piglet Tee in Town --> Brought to you By Disney!
Though I like the donkey More! Eeyyyyooree~ But Piglet is Cute too!
Just like Me? *Grinzzzzz** Muahhahaha****

It's a FULL day!
#1: Mission Accomplished for Buying of Dress
#2: My Stomach's FULL for the whole day
#3: Check-ED ECM for Siewling~
#4: Sarah got her Roman Catholic Photos
#5: Adeline got Her Mentos Sweets~
Wa~~ Siewling found her dress!
*Phew~ Am so Glad!
Now the whole lot of us can find accessories for her to ACCESSORIZED..
Heheh~ CWP is really a GOOD place afterall~
Now to find the perfect accessories for her.. Muahahah (*^o^*)
But being able to carry yourself well is also essential la..
Confidence must shine so as to really Dazzle the Crowd
hehe.. thanks alot for ur patience.. hehe.. shall need ur help in the future (make-up??) wahaha.. faint liao rite.. haha.. but if realli cant ah, nvm de.. ;p
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