Monday, December 19, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Rojak!
Meanwhile, I'm looking for budget hotels, bags, shawls, winter accessories, etc that will be useful to me. *sighs* hasnt got the extra money to splurge on these as I, most probably won't be using them unless a few years later?
Itinerary's the chaotic part too. .. And the websites that dedicate to information on tourist attractions are mostly in traditional Chinese.. I can read them, no doubt, only if I am reading leisurely but now, I hate them too as information needs to be properly read .. .I can't do a scan through fast enough.. Eek! It's a love-hate relation with the Chinese characters at this point of time..
Was just filing through the photo album virtually! My JC chalet.. LOL! It's funny and some of it were lame~ But it's fun and intersting to see how I could spend less than my NIE chalet when my JC chalet had BBQ and lots of stuff ... Whereas NIE chalet .. had .. sleep (*Which is free).. Wild Wild Wet (*Which is free too).. *Faint*
Tomorrow's my secondary school friends outing! Meet meet meet! Finally~ I miss those days~ Muakies! And i need to buy birthday present which I have not do so yet .. (>o<)!!
A long week ahead! With King Kong in my mind~ hahaha~ Catch that show, will ya? It's It's It's *sob *sob** Just WATCH IT! Save the movie! A eye-catching movie that is the 6th most expensive film in Hollywood history~ Eye-catching .. Hmm .. Why that term? Hahah~ Coz it easy to catch ya attention as King Kong's too enormous. 2ndly, the money the film makers spent is costly~ 207 million dollars .. I wonder how many children can they feed with that money~ =D "That's the world in real, dude." Heard this sentence from somewhere .. It's worth the watch. 3 Hours and full of action that will blow u away in the jungle with the King Kong and giant cockroaches - 8th wonder of the World?! Whatever~~ (=o=)
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Is Internet an access to more Porn? LOL~~
A movie clip of Female's views versus Male's views of Internet ..
Laugh your heads off! Speakers On It! It's damn funny!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Perfect Holidays~
Much of my time these few days were spent lazing about at home with so many things to do ..
Heheheh~ Gaming, of course! Part of my life on the Cyber Gaming World ..
Keep me awake all through the day~
Jigsaw Puzzle! Time to finish it and piece it with the frame that was bought pretty long ago .. Arrggh~ I hate Jigsaw Puzzle that has only a few colours and looked exactly almost like the other .. Cannot seem to differentiate between one from another .. Colour Blind Trouble ..
I think I have Colour Blind
I think I do not have Colour Blind
I think I have Colour Blind
I think I do not have Colour Blind
I think I have Colour Blind
I think I do not have Colour Blind
But But . . . I did passed the colour blind test for the driving trial ..
Whatever .. =X
Japanese Self Learning Book! Interesting Language~ Still a beginner though.
こんにちは。 私はAdelineです。 お目にかかれて光栄です。
Hello. I am Adeline. Nice to meet you.
Monday, November 21, 2005
This was what I sent to my friends ~ Thanks Pals~! U know who U are~!
"Well, I figured perhaps reading my blog would be the best way to let u both know about what am I doing ..
I dun like to sms .. But I like to type using keyboard though .. "
This day~ past and over .. It no longer exists anymore .. It just went by me while I was cleaning the house to make sure it is clean .. before it gets worse when I come back from chalet ..
Household chores .. It's like a habit to me now .. It doesnt get on my nerves as when I was young .. Now it's more like a relaxing task to me .. To make sure that my family members get the comfort when they come back home from work and dwell in their clean and lovely room .. Especially for my elder brother who, in fact, doesnt care much about living in a pig's barn or even .. .sharing home with spiders and cowebs .. Eekk .. Guys will be guys ... Or is it just him .. Hahah~ Now he can sleep in comfortably ~ after work .. Kakak~
Was a little shaken by today's events .. It's not much of mine though ..
I cannot comment much about it too .. Simply because it's individual expectations about things and how they felt towards incidents that happened to them ..
People might say "Aha! You wouldn't be able to understand because you've never been in this situation before." I can only smile and shake it away as though a feather had just flown by. People learnt through setbacks and mistakes .. Not by making smart moves and gain glory through sheer luck .. It's always better that you learn now when you have the chance .. I'm not trying to emphasize that I'm a mentally strong person. I do have my setbacks and failures in life. I feel demoralized and pissed off whenever things happened and are out of my expectations and I many a times, deemed myself as a failure and a loser in life. But I'm always felt a sense of pride when I was able to overcome that feeling and move on. Moving on does not mean leaving sad memories behind. I bring them with me everywhere I go. As a reminder, not to repeat the same mistakes again. As a sign, to bring confidence in myself that I know I can do it if I do try. It's hard to move on. But once you get started, you do move on. Do not stay till the point of no return till regret comes knocking at my door. Regretting things could have gone this way if I could have done this or that. Time has past ... while regreting XD
I still remembered that my church leaders used to tell me. The birds in the sky do not even have to worry about their food for themselves or for their young. God will provide for them. What more for humans?
Something to share~
This was extracted from my diary years back:
I'm like acting a scene that never ends till the day I die ..
Am I really myself?
Or just trying to be someone ....
a character ..
that is deemed right and acceptable ?
Which mask am I wearing now?
I cannot figure that out too ...
With years ..
Problems weigh more heavier than normal teenagers ..
I hate to grow up ..
When was there a Day which I did not spent worrying about Money?
When was a time where I can dream about dreams that are happy ?
Where are the places that I went that can revive unforgetable memories?
Who are the friends who are truly with me?
What do I seek for in Life?
How should I list my life priorities?
Questions Questions ..
Doubts and Fears ..
My deepest fear is to lose control of my Life ...
Lose the meaning of Life ...
Sincerely Seek God's Guidance ..
I'm like a lost sheep ...
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
This is Mad ..
Kekek~ Pengz .. This is cool though .. Coz I'm in a holiday mood .. Which means that I am in good mood ... Kekek .. Okies ... For my NIE friends who are as free as me .... And having a 1 month holidays .. with salary .. So nice .. This is heaven .. School's giving us salary to take a break. .. Woot!
As mentioned by my friends ... Outings that we NEED to go .. Hehe .. It's not a want .. It's a need.. Basic amenities that we must have and have and have ........ Though it's bad luck to jot them down ... As mentioned by me the last time .. Who cares about Luck anyway?!
1) Malaysia~ Long waited Dunno Super Cheap Things over there .. Waiting for U to come and BUY! Movies is Cheap though it's Malay subtitled .. Heh .. Food is cheap .. Hope Rah wun need to go toilet everynow and then.. Nail Polish super cheap too .. Glad to Hear that?! SL? Gin ar .. Hmmm Many weird things for you to look at .. Especially the fashion things over there .. Suits u I think ... Kaka ..
2) Long awaited training in Tennis .. It's been a draggy outing that never seems to come true..... From Term 1 to Term 3 .. Hey~~~We could have a anniversary for this .. Where's my tennis match? Where?! Where's my racket? Where's my so-called tennis teacher, Rah? Where's my water-girl, SL? Where's my Net? Eek! When? When? When?
3) Swimming in Bishan .. I miss the 6 doggies over there.. I think it's 6 or 4? Cannot remember .. And please NO MORE photo taking in the pool! It's forbidden ......
4) Chinatown! Go and walk around la .... Free and easy .. And perhaps sing KTV over there.. OOooO.. SL and Gin will love it . . Me too I guess .. As long as there's no B.A.D songs .. Heheh .. I'm not anti B.A.D hor .. Just to irritate SL only .. I'm an Anggggeeell~~ Whee~~
5) Warm-Up Music Session in Gin's House ....... DooOOoo.. Reeeee~~~ Me~~~~~~ OOOoo.. Super star in the making .. Cannot wait to let all of you hear my voice , cool right? Dun faint in progress.. I wanna play the swing .. and turn people in circle ... and see more babies and a indian and chinese couple playing .. "Don't Friend U" .. Gosh .. No one is going to understand this except my NIE mates .. Full of Shit .. FOS .. we just changed the brand name of a apparrel shop to Full of Shit .. Hope no one is going to be mad as us ..
6) Shopping at Causeway Point .. Who is going to join me.. Tis' a good place .. with so many things .. and and ... I think .. I'll be going alone .... (>"<) Hoohhmm ... Sure pull SL along . .coz she's the nearest to me .. Beware .. Dun get bitten by me .. HAHAHAHHA
7) Rollerblading? Anyone's ONZ? I think it's fun la .. Just that dun have the time to try .. This one will KIV .. Keep in View .. or either we could go East Coast Park and cycle ..
8) Dog Farm .. For the Sua Ku People .. Or the underexposed to society people .. especially those who live in Boon Lay most of the time and do not watch TV and and .. Isolated from the real world .. It's a nice place~ With many doggies playing and it's free .. No entrance fee or whatsoever .. Just need to bring urself and walk around to see the handsome dog owners! OooOuuchh! I meant the cutie little doggies or the huge monstrous doggies .. That kept splashing water at me ... Faint ..
9) Of course , who could forget our long awaited chalet .. Since we cannot go oversea .. At least we have chalet which is .. NOT BAD le! Monday's the time to discuss who to bring what .. I'm not bringin the steamboat thingy .. First of all, I admit, It's freaking heavy.. 2ndly, someone hates to cook .. and the list goes on and on .. So meeting on Monday .. Anyway, we'll all be going to collect Maha home .. Not her .. but the portfolio .. Hehehe.. Gotta ask Lane to bring her UNO cards .. If she have .. and all sorts of games .. board games .. etc, etc, .. I only have poker .. can play bridge?
10) SP Carrom Competition .. Gonna brush up my skills on it ! Then we can compete .. Though Gin probably will win T.T ... Me runner up ?! We'll go SP and Nua .. And play in the Room .. and got to teach SL .. I'll be the teacher .. Hope I did get all the rules and facts clear first before teaching another person.. lol =P
11) Badminton outing for ... all ? Maybe when Lane's back from the mountains, then we go for this, at least we have things to do when she return ... Nice of me ... Right ?
12) Of course, not to mention that we will be acting as tourist in Bugis, Orchard, City Hall, Marina Square, Suntec ... to shop till we drop .. We've got the time in the world .. after the 17th .. =D
?) More to come ..
Now let's see .. Who is going to be the first to put comments ... This would prove one thing .. The truth .. That someone's been lazing around surfing internet while she should be studying ETM ... Kakakak.. Gotcha~! See ya tomorrow ~ w
The End~
Saturday, November 12, 2005
OoooO.. It's Cool~
Will be studying Maths later, for a warm up.. Kind of accustomed to the way I study .. Nothing could be accomplished in the afternoon .. Night's the time for me.. Where I can absorbed the essence of the moonlight .. Kaka .. Not moonlight .. I'm not werewolf .. I meant the knowledge in studying .. =P I can study better at night and hence, i tend to wake up late too .. in the early afternoon .. Breaking record eveynow and then ..
My friend's having birthday tomorrow .. Kinda weird timing as Rah .. coz it's during exams season.. Pretty bad huh ? But nonetheless, it's the last birthday that clashes with exams .. So enjoy it while you can.. It's the last .. Optimistic eh ~
WA! Going to List down the events for December
Just got an sms .. and I'll be having 2 chalets .. I think ..
1) One will be with my NIE pals 22-24 November with 3 other friends ..
2) The other with my JC friends, simply elated .. kaka .. Since it was so hard to organise an outing with people working or studying .. I think it was rough to try to find a time to accomodate all of us .. Thank Goodness we had a patience friend within our midst .. who had to call as of us to confirm and decide .. So there .. 9-11 Dec .. Fixed .. Must go or DIE ~~ That was a command .. Die .. >"< Yea ~
3) And .. might be going over to a friend's house to have a wishy washy girl's talk night! Yea~~ I miss those times .. Talk till we drool .. kakak~
4) Holiday trip with Wilson? Confirmed? Not really .. Still deciding .. ~ But it's exciting just to talk about it .. HAHHA .. relaxing sia ~ imagine go and shop till u drop ..
5 Childhood Friends~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m(_ _)m in church ..i think .. once in a year outing ? Miss them terribly ..
6) Decemeber Outing with Secondary School Close friends ~ I miss them all~~ and I'm the organiser .. Maybe going Malaysia .. to meet them .. Hope my friend from Australia's coming back .. Or else .. going to tear her passport the moment she land in Singapore ...
7) Secondary School Major Outing .. Class .. Die .. So many classes .. 2A, 4A ... Must combined them ... sure weird combination .. This one is a killer .. Gosh .. Cannot imagine the size of this group .. *Push it aside first~~
8) Lei Lei ~~~ Call her up and ask her when she is getting married? I always told her i'll meet her up when i am free .. Time to really get going and call her ............ @@
9) Adeline and Adeline .. HAHAHAH .. imagine both of us having the same names..... She's even busier than me .... Winner ... Must book in advance .. 1 months should be enough .. or else got to queue ..
10) Julia~~~~~~~~~~~ Chinatown!! When?!?! Hehehhe~~ I'll go and bump down there~~~ Wait for me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
11) Cheryl~~~~` Shopping ?! When?! Me wanna go .. bring me along ... (>"<)
12) Comic Connect! Wait for me .. Dun go out w/o me .... *sob *sob .. So many things to tell u guys ...
13) .. etc, etc , etc .. I think still have .. but i shadn't go on listing it .. scary .. So many people .. @@' *faint**
Okies .. Back to Mad Maths .. *yawns* Cook Chrysanthemum first. . Mummy's got sore throat too?! Cook ~~ =D BB
Monday, November 07, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Joke for the Day~
and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.
"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say,
'There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or
'That's Michael. He's a doctor.'"
A small voice at the back of the room rang out,
"And there's the teacher. She's dead."
Holiday-ing in Midst of Stress
However, in the afternoons, I'll go and walk around with 老公公~ heh~ It's the usual place, usual stuff but at different times, that's all .. It's interesting that you can see different things at the same places.. Heheh~ Perhaps that's what a couple desires that each will never get bored with each.. He really dotes on me .. I'm honoured and glad la ~ Till now no quarrels and stuff, party because of our characters, we would want to talk and sort things out together .. Heh .. No point trying to guess each other's mind .. I'll ask straight in the face of what I want to know .. It's hard in a relationship when each plays guessing game .. Further, there's no prize for getting the correct guesses .. w~~~
Suddenly missed my friends in life .. They have been supporting me silently through these years .. It was a tough struggle for me from years back till it moulded me to what I am now .. Seriously, without them, I'll be still an empty shell wandering like nobody's business.. A Change in Me - Definitely .. The late night discussions and gatherings, i do miss them all.. Woodlands is a good place afterall ..
I thank them .. for being there for me ^^
It's been years now .. Scar still exists .. Fear stands .. There's a question of "What if" .. But who knows of what will happen tomorrow ..No one can predict .. I live each day as it is .. Making full use of it .. 24 hours a day .. It's actually more than enough for me ^^ I'm satisfied with my life as it is now .. At least I know 12th is coming every month ~ Muahah~
Come to think of it ... Why was I in NIE? Initially because of the stable salary it affords, no matter what happens, teacher will never get retrenched or out of job? At that point in time, it was a choice that I had to make... A path that I had to take .. No other choices or I was just trying to get a hold on my life somewhere else.. God's Will perhaps .. and Thank Him that I found out I really like this career that is pathed out for me .. It was like a shelter to make .. To make myself busy, and a time to make new friends and experience life ..
I like making friends, it's like knowing the life of another person and it's wonderful to hear ups and downs of people .. It's enriching for me and i'm just glad that i am able to help in a way or another.. =) Ups - Happiness is shared .. and it's a blessing for me to get comforted that someone's happy .. Downs - It indeed unwanted for people, but it's the process of getting up from falling down that's worth the learning.. Falling aint a bad thing .. It's just that eventually you have to know the time to get up and start walking again .. Someone might come and lend you a hand, you can choose to take or continue sitting there ..
I once told someone .. My hand is always there for you, use it and try to climb out of the hole that you've fallen in.. Time will pass, and each moment you hesitate, the longer you will stay in your fallen state.. The will to grab my hand to move on is what your heart should do .. Time waits for no one ..
Now my motto in life is to give the best out of myself .. Competition with others is what I feel is of no value to me .. To give my best in all .. So that in future, I will have no regrets or whatsoever.. Now that I've learnt to fall and pick myself up .. Move on with life .. Move on to reading my ETE .. hahah
I hate English .. Really .. It's a tough subject for me .. Writing pieces of long essays made no sense to me .. And i tend to blabber though essays and stuff .. Coz I cannot find the essence to writing a good piece .. Who cares la .. Maths' fun though . Because I spent less time to get the knowledge as compare to English ... I hate English ..... Muahhaha~~
Okies.. Going Bonkers for a while .. Before I start reading .. Lalalalla
Friday, October 14, 2005
I'm weak and fragile.
I'm not a person who opens up easily.
I'm lonely in my path and beliefs.
I'm not a person who give up easily.
I'm was shaped to walk alongside with struggles.
I'm not an actor.
Don't make me act.
I'm tired of the things that are happening around me.
Will someone just let it stop?
If there is..
But there isn't ..
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Please choose one.....
Dead Beat
No much of a choice.. eh .. Hahah.......
Been grouchy all week. . *Growl****
Where's my Weekend?! Is it Near?
What? It's only Thursday ...
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Quidam~Cirque Du Soleil
I went hysterical!!
"Is this Real?"
"Is it Expensive?"
Hehe~~ In the end, it was actually $130 for 2 tickets..
Normal Price would be $130 for 1 Tix.
老公公 Boss' actually had the Lobang for it!
Knew some Big Shot in M1 and thus the cheaper price~~~~~~~
I felt kind of uneasy at first, as we were surrounded by Caucasians. I've never seen such a crowd that has 90% foreigners. It feels weird as it made me think that not much Singaporeans were present...
The whole show was MARVELLEOUS!
Though it's of foreign language, the acrobat stuns with the alluring atmosphere were captivating enough to make me marvel in awe. Fun and Lighthearted for some acts where the host invited live audience to join in~ I really laughed my heads off then.
Muahahhaha~~~~ Besides the Quidam Tickets..
An additional joy was the movie tickets that the Boss Gave~~~
My sister passed my 2 GV tickets too!! Kekekekekek *Drools**
LOL! 2 Shaw Movie Tickets + 2 GV tickets..
WaWa~~ +++ 老公公bought a new sweater for me~~
and it has a HOOD~ Just in Case it Rains ..
Muahahahahhahaha~~~ So SWEET for Him!
Thank God! I've been blessed during this weekend!
Though I had only a little $$ left.... (>"<) Watched 2 Movies: #1: 神话~ by Jacky Cheung #2 Sound of Thunder.. Which was Quite Lame.. Movie Phrase for the Week: 'You gotta Fix it!" Dang~ Dang~ which was repeated who knows how many times in the movie 'Sound of Thunder' ..
Happy Happy Happy~! My longwaited M*ns*s Came.... Lol .. After a blockage of 3 full months .. *sighs .. Hopefully I wouldn't be grouchy ~ *Heh*
This weekend was really Great! The Best in Months.. Not much of NIE work done throughout the weekend.. But nonetheless, it was enjoyable and best of all..
Quality Time spent with 老公公~ ごめんなさい
Saturday, September 17, 2005
It was Pleasurable~ A Day to Lossen up and Unwind from Everything!
First, 老公公 came and woke me up from my Beauty Sleep..
So when I received the phone call ..
老公公: "I'm outside your house."
Me: "HUH?!?!" *scratching my head ..
Jumped Right out of My Bed .. and Grab My Keys ..
Gave him a really "warmth" welcoming..
How welcoming was it?
My Hair was in a Mess ...
Eyes Half-Opened and Still Dreamy..
Doggie Barking at Him..
Trying to Figure out which Key to open the Gate..
*I wasnt wearing Contact Lenses**
Haha.. Must have really gave him a BIG surprise .. Heh~
Anyways, this is not the first time.. Heh..
He bought Breakfast.. So SWEET of him! (*^o^*)
After which, we went to Yishun and used the $8.50 Movie Voucher! It was worth it! Or At least we saved a Dollar ... (>"<) Poor Blokes ... *Sniff Sniff** Brothers Grim was the show and it was pretty an enchanted fairytale.. Or so it was. Spells, Magic, Wishes, Dead Queen, Skeletons. Give the show a miss if you're not into fairytales.
We went MALAYSIA too! It was a sudden decision.. OooooO.. It was near.. So not much problem just crossing the borders and Shop! Not much to walk.. Just Plain Window Shopping and Browsing of Clothes. Food was delicious though we had a hard time trying to figure out what the Malay blokes were talking about. I bought a pretty little mooncake for Cheryl and a T-shirt for Sarah! =D Not sure whether they will like it.. But then, It's the Thought that counts, right? =D
Thanks for Accompanying Me! Sweet Memories Added!
One of my friends sent an email to me ...

Doraemon and Hello Kitty were out on the streets one day.
Why didn't he acknowledge her greeting?
(He couldn't hear her - he didn't have ears.)
Friday, September 16, 2005
Ginade Chant~
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
Summary of Resolvers
#1: Good at getting to the heart of a problem and quickly finding a solution
#2: Make rational decisions using the facts available
#3: Think of themselves as understanding, stable and easy-going
#4: May focus on short-term results and lose sight of the big picture
More about Resolvers
Resolvers are independent people who quietly learn how things work by analysing large amounts of information. Should a problem arise, they solve it with as little fuss as possible. Resolvers are only interested in abstract ideas, if they can be used to solve a problem quickly.
Resolvers like to take risks: Many of them seek jobs and pastimes that put them in harm's way and guarantee an adrenaline rush.
Resolvers are often tolerant of behaviour different to their own as long as their values aren't compromised. They sometimes give the impression that they agree with other peoples' viewpoints because they don't actively disagree.
In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Resolvers may become cynical, negatively critical or put off decisions. Under extreme stress, Resolvers could be prone to inappropriate, tearful outbursts.
Resolvers are QUIET and sometimes it is difficult to get to know them; however, they often talk freely about subjects they understand well.
Note: Resolvers have changed jobs most frequently since leaving full-time education, according to a UK survey. *Quite True ... Heh
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The Perfect Dress~~
Cute Piglet Tee in Town --> Brought to you By Disney!
Though I like the donkey More! Eeyyyyooree~ But Piglet is Cute too!
Just like Me? *Grinzzzzz** Muahhahaha****

It's a FULL day!
#1: Mission Accomplished for Buying of Dress
#2: My Stomach's FULL for the whole day
#3: Check-ED ECM for Siewling~
#4: Sarah got her Roman Catholic Photos
#5: Adeline got Her Mentos Sweets~
Wa~~ Siewling found her dress!
*Phew~ Am so Glad!
Now the whole lot of us can find accessories for her to ACCESSORIZED..
Heheh~ CWP is really a GOOD place afterall~
Now to find the perfect accessories for her.. Muahahah (*^o^*)
But being able to carry yourself well is also essential la..
Confidence must shine so as to really Dazzle the Crowd
Thought of the Day
If you Do..
Consequences Comes In...
By Critics
Hence, there is a certain restriction when talking.
Is there really true and real communication among people?
When can there be a time when people can express their feelings freely?

Oh Boy! I'm Glad!

**AArrgghhhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roar~~ EED Forum CLOSED!**
3 Cheers for myself! Though I didn't participate much in other people's forum. ..
Kind of lazy at the end.. And it's pretty tiring. (>"<)
But I finished it though!
Another 3 cheers + 1 pat for myself.. ECM done!
Though it's the Test Construction and I still have the Error Analysis and Groupwork..
Well .. Well ! Need Oil Need Oil! Need to go to Esso or Caltex to Drink! =/
I feel that this Holiday is the most hectic one among the previous.
More assignments and stuff .. I can't wait for December to come .....
So that I can fully rot for a MONTH?
I welcome all flutterbies and moths ... then ..
Been irregular in church! Gosh..
Where's that Holy Spirit in me! Come Back! *sighs ..
It's being Overwhelmed by the Density of Stress in Me..
OOOoooO.. Hope Siewling will get her dress later! *Smiles~ Lalal~~**
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Going Bonkers Soon..
Sipping my Coffee ... Peeping at My Doggie on my bed ..
I'm trying to complete my ECM Test Construction..
It's not that I do not like Maths ..
Just suddenly overwhelmed with all the assignments that are due soon .. It's kind of scary watching the list that I've made.
The So-Called "To Do" List .. It never will be completed ... as there will be lots more adding up..
What to do ? What to do? *Grumbles**
It doesnt feel Holiday-ish .. It felt Hell-ish to me ...
Who Ate My Cookies?! *Grinz**
I'm Me! Frank and Most of the time in Nonsense Mode .. *panic!! as what my friends describe me to be.
I can be skeptical at times or not, depending on my mood.
Grumbles too if it's boring, irritating, etc ~
I'm at "Fact" Person. Done this particular online personality test thingy, I'm a person that goes by the facts and solely by it. Resolver that goes by the factual items. =) Hope I'm not confusing anyone... @@
I have a boyfriend. Name's Wilson! He's my stronghold in my Life.
This is certainly not my first blog...
However, this will be my first blog to publish all my thoughts, views, grumbles, comments about everything in the world.
Hope people will get to know me better through this blog then! =D
So stay tune for more updates and stuff~ I'm Done Now.. *drools..**