Monday, May 26, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Day at Work

Woke up at 520am. Am not motivated.......... Feeling sleepy. *yawns*
Hope the day turns out fine. ^^;

Friday, May 02, 2008


The daily website that I'll visit, rain or shine.

Day 2 after Exams

Random thoughts of random-ness.

Clearing notes and stuff. Waiting for someone to pick it up soon or not. =/ Tons to things to do. Room's in an awful mess. I need to grab a wedding present for my friend. Feed the dog. Parents' not at home because they went for a short holiday. Revamp a website for my brother.

Clearing notes was fun. It's like saying goodbye to them forever. The tons of writing and the messy scribbles are 'bye bye'.

Currently, I'm listening to music, sipping tea and typing in my blog. Yawns. Wonderful life I have for my 2nd day after exams.

I've got a BBQ on the 12th. Steamboat on the 17th. ^^~ and whole day tuitions on Sat. before I quit my tuition job in Khatib.

I anticipate driving lessons soon and and ... more to come.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Labour Day!

1st May 2008. Labour Day. Dont think I'm gonna to make long post. Spent the entire day with Wilson. Time to pay back the lost time with him? Hehe~

We went IKEA and was met with like 100002039240 people there. The weather's hot and could possibly melt metal with the blazing heat from the sun. Was fun walking around till the getting home part. The feel of fatigue or being dehydrated... Showering did me good and we went for a car tour around Yishun. Hehe~ Went to a beautiful jetty near the sea. =)

Lovely days ahead. Till I get my posting...