Holidays have been cool so far ~ Just relaxing my time around and meddling with stuff at home like I always do. Tuition jobs are up for me again because there was a shortage of teachers who are willing to waste their weekends away since it's the precious days of a week. Personally, I feel that it doesn't really matter for now since I have 7 x 4 x 3 numbers of days of holidays to enjoy. Haha~ Not gloating over or flaunting the additional sweet treats I am having but I feel I need this well-deserved break. It's been a rollercoaster ride in an unanticipated way.
Had wanted to meet up with friends and all but then reality is cruel. I need to work first before all to save up for loads of things for the upcoming school semester. I had made plans like meet up with this person, that person, that friend, that guy, that girl, etc . . Hope someone reading falls into either category.. Well, I guess a cup of coffee aint big enough to burn my pocket. =)
Not sure whether I had mentioned this before but Wilson had bought a cactus for me. It's not the really big round plant with weird designs or flowers all over. Instead, a small plain looking cute little pot now sits on top of my TV. Today there was an exchange of culture with my friend. She had mentioned that keeping cactus at home is actually forbidden as it bodes evil or unlucky events along the owners' way. However, from what I had been told through gossips or sheer conversation with friends who are in the 'supertitious' zone had stated that having such a spiky little plant at home helps to prevent .. 'u-know-those-things-that-come-out-on-the-7th-month' from coming to visit you. Hmmm ~ Anyway, my eagerness for buying the cactus was none of the above. Having a green little looking thing helps to bring the feeling of serenity. Though my window overlooks a wonderful and amazing "Windows XP" look-alike wallpaper, the little pot helps to keep me sane and bring my spirits up. My lecturer had bought a similar one and it died 1 week later. I'm estatic that mine is still alive without any water from me since the day I bought it, which was 2-3 weeks back. I guess no water is good. It's supposed to be in the desert anyway. So I thought let the natural hazardous environment be re-depicted within my home. So much about my plant.

Life's been good. None better than this period now except those days of youth where I lived for the moment and cherishable memories of church camps and childhood friends. Strangely, they are the people which I do not hear from them frequently but more of once a year kind of communication. Absence makes the heart fonder. I do agree with them. Once in a while, I would settle a little prayer for them to keep them safe from harm and that everything's fine.
June is an exciting month. Results are coming out on the 8th. Can't wait to see how will I score and be it good or bad grades, it doesn't really matter as long as it's a pass. The favourite phrase of many might be 'If only ... I had .. ". That used to be my favourite catch everynow and then. As time passes, I lose track of trying to retrace my steps or count the number of things which I should have done but did not. Look forward and move on. Learn from mistakes but never dwell in them. =)
Well, I do have a lot of things to share. I've recently just destroyed my laptop speakers and touchpad. I wonder how I did it. It's ridiculous how it happens when a gentle and demure person like me is the owner. No puking please. As usual my friendly computer technician a.k.a Wilson always come to the rescue. I can't imagine a day without my personal laptop. I'll probably suffer a day without checking of mails and chatting on msn or even simpliest things like reading friends' blog to check for updates on their lives too. I'm using MS Vista now. The interface is simple and the design is elegant. The team even added a sidebar that have surprising gadgets like a mini analog clock and a note pad which is similar to the 3M post-it-notes. There's even a gadget that displays Singapore's weather and the temperature for the day. Besides, headlines news of MSNBCN is right at my desktop without having to click and search for it. Moreoever, it's a summary of the original article online. If I had to find out more, I would have to click the link provided to go to the original website. It's cool. Sadly, with new implementations there are bound to be screw ups. I had tried to play a DVD today and it states that the Vista resolution is too high and needs to be stepped down in order to make it compatible with the 'old DVD'. Hmmm.. that DVD is quite new in fact. Just now the videos and DVDs are not fast enough to catch up with the technology. Furthermore, most of the softwares are not compatible with this version of Windows... It creates a hassle when I am installing new softwares. All in all, I like it as long as the main softwares I frequently use is available...

I miss places too. Perhaps I'm being emotional today. Places that I would love to visit again and the last time I went was during my Pri school days. Can you even imagine how long was that? 10++ years back? (>O<)'
Movie Marathon: I got this task from someone and I had to watch 5 movies to catch spicy juicy details to rip and split into smaller chunks with a small payment as reward. 5 movies straight non-stop nearly drove me mad today.
Saturday's coming. Hmmm.. Had initially wanted to go for Soya Beancurd for supper. Had plans but nothing's confirmed yet. So erm... @@;
I need a getaway and I am looking for places which fit into the following category:
I'm sure I will have a hard time trying to find a perfect vacation for you girls. Don't worry I'll try my best-est. Phew~ I do hope I can find one. But something's gonna repeat itself soon. Remember the huge red plastic bag filled with lots of love and spice. ;p Here's something for SL. I had wanted to post this long way back. She's wearing the spastic orange dress with big sequins... I caught this on TV.. Wow.. ORANGE.. Same dressing taste. Not bad.

Okies. Time to play some game and slack somewhere.