Recieved an SMS today.
"Eh, wanna go for any short trips in June? Some time out session."
I'll get to work in May, hopefully for a month or so to get my salary. Then off somewhere deserted to rot and count spider webs. Venue, you decide with SL. Or maybe wait till my exams are over .. Preferably somewhere cheap. You know the situation.. Blar Blar Blar. Student with no spare cash is pathetic.
Just checking someone else's blog. The musical box tune is gone. Boy was I glad. Orange is fine.. Keep it up.
Updates for friends. Everything's good. Exams over soon the coming Friday and in the midst of studying, I had plenty of visions of me enjoying my forthcoming holidays. Guess I'll draft up a list of things to do again and in the end, maybe less than half will be undone. Hmm. . .
I need to visit the new Sentosa. Hopefully tanned off my scar. Zoo perhaps. See what types of new animals are available for me to slaughter... Joking***
At the moment, my dearest love is trying to cheer with up in msn with a spastic emoticon. What can I say? (>O<) lol ~ It did made me smile. lol ~ /grin
Wednesday: Briefing for trip to India for Geography trip upcoming in Novemeber or Decemeber. I'm kinda anticipating it. Free from the stringent type of living in Singapore for two weeks will do me good. Fresher air and being closer to nature could be the best antidote for my stagnantness now.
Cheering all who are in nearing the mid semester soon. It's hard work but after that it will be the lovely holidays awaiting all of u. =) That includes all my friends who are teaching in schools like. .. WPS, AMKPS, WRPS, PPS .. well, if u can recognise the abbreviations .. You know who you are. Take Care!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Cudgel One's Brains
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
-- Mark Twain
-- Mark Twain
Monday, April 16, 2007
Thought for the day:
When drinking 3-4 cups doesnt help in staying awake, it's time to head to bed.
When drinking 3-4 cups doesnt help in staying awake, it's time to head to bed.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A Reminder
Monday, April 09, 2007
Prank Call~
LOL~ Awesome! This is the funniest video ever! Now we know the right way to scare the hell out a telemarketeer!
Stress levels getting up. Tense atmosphere is kinda suffocating me indeed. What can I do to lessen the tension between us? I needed someone to blame. It's obvious who. Being hardworking wise doesnt get ppl anywhere. Pouring rain seemed to help. Mother nature is doing its job of creating a deep sense of controlling and washing the turbulences in my mind. Of angry or hatred. Where were those days we danced in the rain? Where were those days where childlike innocence exist?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I need sleep...

Well, it's 4:00am and I'm still awake. A series of events that happened last week seriously didnt get me motivated at all. Exasperatedly demoralizing in fact. Was grumbling to Rah about school and such. Guess we're in the small squishy boat of life. *laments*
Received a SMS from JE~ wow~ that triggered some memories in NIE. I need more gatherings and such. More laughter and happiness. Anyhow, hope everyone's fine.
Was watching on TV the preview of this show 'The Reaping'. Aint sure exactly the show is about but it seems like it's a depiction of the plagues episodes from the Bible. A reflection of what is going to happen? Or is it simply blasphemy?
Internet's been crappy and all. On and off connection. *grumbles*
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