Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Bored Bored!
I' m
M entally Tired
B ored
O posite of
R elax
E nergy - Drained
D ead Fish
So much for acoustic poems .... it bites!
M entally Tired
B ored
O posite of
R elax
E nergy - Drained
D ead Fish
So much for acoustic poems .... it bites!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
14 April 2006 - 7 May 2006 CHEERS!!!
Enrichment-Induction Programme
1) All graduating trainee teachers are required to attend a 2-3 week compulsory enrichment-cum-induction programme, which will commence immediately after the end of the NIE examinations (i.e. 8 May 06 for graduating Dip Ed and BA/BSc cohorts and 29 May 06 for graduating PGDE cohorts). For trainees repeating modules and graduating in this semester, please check with NIE, Foundation Programme Admin Office on the dates that you are required to attend the enrichment-cum-induction programme and obtain approval from your Principal to attend the programme.
Posting to School
2) You will be posted to school immediately after the enrichment-cum-induction programme. The posting date would be 22 May 06 for graduating Dip Ed and BA/BSc cohorts and 12 Jun 06 for graduating PGDE cohorts. A posting memo will be sent to you about 1 week prior to your posting date. You are therefore required to report to your posted school on the date as indicated in the posting memo. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action being taken against you. Those who have to repeat failed module(s) will be required to return to NIE from their posted schools to complete their course on a no-pay leave basis.
Enrichment-Induction Programme
1) All graduating trainee teachers are required to attend a 2-3 week compulsory enrichment-cum-induction programme, which will commence immediately after the end of the NIE examinations (i.e. 8 May 06 for graduating Dip Ed and BA/BSc cohorts and 29 May 06 for graduating PGDE cohorts). For trainees repeating modules and graduating in this semester, please check with NIE, Foundation Programme Admin Office on the dates that you are required to attend the enrichment-cum-induction programme and obtain approval from your Principal to attend the programme.
Posting to School
2) You will be posted to school immediately after the enrichment-cum-induction programme. The posting date would be 22 May 06 for graduating Dip Ed and BA/BSc cohorts and 12 Jun 06 for graduating PGDE cohorts. A posting memo will be sent to you about 1 week prior to your posting date. You are therefore required to report to your posted school on the date as indicated in the posting memo. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action being taken against you. Those who have to repeat failed module(s) will be required to return to NIE from their posted schools to complete their course on a no-pay leave basis.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
This Little Boy I Know~
Well, he's more of like my little brother and often cheers me up with cute and silly stuff when I'm feeling down. He's chirpy and incredibly filled with tons of internet stuff! Thanks! =D~~
Sharing with you~
The Kenya Monsters!
Check it out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **ROAR**
Sharing with you~
The Kenya Monsters!
Check it out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **ROAR**
New Blogskin
Well, I dunno what's got into me. Could be the overwhelming week I had .. Hmmm .. Struggling with my other peers during practicum is tough. Environment was certainly not of an excellent one. Indeed, as some might know, it's almost 100% unfriendly.
Again, I'm supposed to be doing my lesson planning. But hack, America Idol is on show and 0% mood to start whatever I am supposed to start. Spent quite some time trying to sort out the html coding for this blogskin and such. In fact, i think i enjoy programming rather than teaching. I can sit still in front of the computer for hours and be totally obsess in codes. On the other hand, lesson planning and teaching strategies seemed to bore me. Am I in the wrong line? I begin to doubt myself. In any case, the bond's been signed and time is not pausing or stopping for anyone.
Which is why I like this blogskin. It's a portrayal of a girl waiting for a bus, of course, at a bus stop. This is my bus stop in virtual world~ Muahah~ I can take my time to write my thoughts and loads of grumbles even though reality is ticking again. Moreover, check out the facial expression of the gal in the blog skin. I can't say it looked exactly like me. But I just adore the sleepy and dreamy appearance of her. The world could just past by her while she's dreaming away. =)
I have 2 wedding dinners to attend in the month of March. God Bless them all~ and bless my money too.
Time to start something ? Yea~ Sleep's on the way.
Again, I'm supposed to be doing my lesson planning. But hack, America Idol is on show and 0% mood to start whatever I am supposed to start. Spent quite some time trying to sort out the html coding for this blogskin and such. In fact, i think i enjoy programming rather than teaching. I can sit still in front of the computer for hours and be totally obsess in codes. On the other hand, lesson planning and teaching strategies seemed to bore me. Am I in the wrong line? I begin to doubt myself. In any case, the bond's been signed and time is not pausing or stopping for anyone.
Which is why I like this blogskin. It's a portrayal of a girl waiting for a bus, of course, at a bus stop. This is my bus stop in virtual world~ Muahah~ I can take my time to write my thoughts and loads of grumbles even though reality is ticking again. Moreover, check out the facial expression of the gal in the blog skin. I can't say it looked exactly like me. But I just adore the sleepy and dreamy appearance of her. The world could just past by her while she's dreaming away. =)
I have 2 wedding dinners to attend in the month of March. God Bless them all~ and bless my money too.
Time to start something ? Yea~ Sleep's on the way.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
肖狗 (戌) 的狗年运程 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006
财运:财运方面中规中矩,其实今年运势 较为不利靠偏求发迹的朋友,因为很容易造成钱财破损,慎防入不敷出而向他人借钱, 欠下一大笔款项。
财运:财运方面中规中矩,其实今年运势 较为不利靠偏求发迹的朋友,因为很容易造成钱财破损,慎防入不敷出而向他人借钱, 欠下一大笔款项。
Just in case..
Just in case, it slipped my mind again ..
1) Shoes from Far East **Same as Rah's .. Covered shoes for practicum .. Maybe black.. Easier to mix and match with any outfit..
2) My BIG bag from Marina Square .. I'm still sick of that place..
3) 2 Pants from Marsiling Shophouse .. One black .. One grey .. I feel much safer with pants .. Can run around in school ..
4) Tops .. Any .. as long as it's nice and comfy.. Maybe i'll go back This Fashion and buy .. Hehehehehehhe~~~ Need to call Siewling for IC again ..
5) Hair cut ? Trim? Let's see whether I have the urge as and when I feel like it.
6) Stickers from any Pasar Malam .. 8 for $1 .. I need those..
1) Shoes from Far East **Same as Rah's .. Covered shoes for practicum .. Maybe black.. Easier to mix and match with any outfit..
2) My BIG bag from Marina Square .. I'm still sick of that place..
3) 2 Pants from Marsiling Shophouse .. One black .. One grey .. I feel much safer with pants .. Can run around in school ..
4) Tops .. Any .. as long as it's nice and comfy.. Maybe i'll go back This Fashion and buy .. Hehehehehehhe~~~ Need to call Siewling for IC again ..
5) Hair cut ? Trim? Let's see whether I have the urge as and when I feel like it.
6) Stickers from any Pasar Malam .. 8 for $1 .. I need those..
Friday, February 03, 2006
Well, here am I at home, lazing as usual .. This week had been a real challenging week. Parents ain't in Singapore and I have the doggie all by my own. Which is a REAL CHALLENGE to me. It gets kind of scary and creepy that she wakes up in the middle of the night and starts barking at some auspicious spot ... Most of the time, near the windows ..
Hence, my conclusion is that, she is afraid of the wind ... (>o<) I find it hard to believe too .. That a dog's afraid of the wind ... Gonna train to build her courage .. (=0=)
I'm going back to Qihua afterall. In fact, was quite elated when I learnt of the news. My friend's already there as a contract teacher and I am comforted to know that there's someone I know and trust, already in the school. Bless me.
ooOOo.. Someone's going to another country for a year .. =( It's going to be tough. You lose some, you gain another. So take care, friend .. Life still go on.. I need to go over your house for visiting .. I missed it last year ..
As expected, this year wouldn't be a better year than the last. In fact, I think it will be worse. All of us have problems and some chose to share, some chose not to. I'm the kind of person who chose not to. Why? Already it's sad, no point passing the woes to another person. I'll rather make another person happy than sad. Hehe~ Besides, I'm self-centered ... as termed by my friends too .. (>o<)'' In a sense, I am. Maybe till my breaking point, I'll pour out my heart to the walls at home or to my doggie.
New Year Resolution .. None. I'll take each step at a time. Slow and steady in order to balance my life and such. Friends are scarce and depleting as time passes. Though the meet-ups isn't as frequent as before, true friends stay and withstand the test of time. Marriage, out of question, we're ready but No, it's beyond our control.
Never in my life, I stopped and ponder over the phrase "Money is the root of all evil". Perhaps I am truly able to grasp the meaning now. I detest and wish it will disppear .. Will it? Afterall, it's a wish. How many wishes do come true? None, I suppose.
Blessings today? I completed my Advanced Diploma in Computer Studies. Next in my education path? It depends. I don't want to plan in advance. God will take care of my tomorrow. "Degree" is in the air now. SIM, Crossover, etc is surfacing again. Especially this time of the day when we are about to finish our NIE course. I'm in no rush into commiting myself into a degree as yet. I'll wait and see if time and opportunity permits me to pursue my degree.
I just miss my life years back. At least, I exist.
Hence, my conclusion is that, she is afraid of the wind ... (>o<) I find it hard to believe too .. That a dog's afraid of the wind ... Gonna train to build her courage .. (=0=)
I'm going back to Qihua afterall. In fact, was quite elated when I learnt of the news. My friend's already there as a contract teacher and I am comforted to know that there's someone I know and trust, already in the school. Bless me.
ooOOo.. Someone's going to another country for a year .. =( It's going to be tough. You lose some, you gain another. So take care, friend .. Life still go on.. I need to go over your house for visiting .. I missed it last year ..
As expected, this year wouldn't be a better year than the last. In fact, I think it will be worse. All of us have problems and some chose to share, some chose not to. I'm the kind of person who chose not to. Why? Already it's sad, no point passing the woes to another person. I'll rather make another person happy than sad. Hehe~ Besides, I'm self-centered ... as termed by my friends too .. (>o<)'' In a sense, I am. Maybe till my breaking point, I'll pour out my heart to the walls at home or to my doggie.
New Year Resolution .. None. I'll take each step at a time. Slow and steady in order to balance my life and such. Friends are scarce and depleting as time passes. Though the meet-ups isn't as frequent as before, true friends stay and withstand the test of time. Marriage, out of question, we're ready but No, it's beyond our control.
Never in my life, I stopped and ponder over the phrase "Money is the root of all evil". Perhaps I am truly able to grasp the meaning now. I detest and wish it will disppear .. Will it? Afterall, it's a wish. How many wishes do come true? None, I suppose.
Blessings today? I completed my Advanced Diploma in Computer Studies. Next in my education path? It depends. I don't want to plan in advance. God will take care of my tomorrow. "Degree" is in the air now. SIM, Crossover, etc is surfacing again. Especially this time of the day when we are about to finish our NIE course. I'm in no rush into commiting myself into a degree as yet. I'll wait and see if time and opportunity permits me to pursue my degree.
I just miss my life years back. At least, I exist.
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